Referendums: In the name of democracy? No 20, 2018/1 - 220 pagesSpecial report: Referendums: In the name of democracy?Pages 7 to 28Referendums, deliberation, democracyBy Laurence Morel, Marion PaolettiPages 29 to 52Towards more deliberative referendums? The attractions of the justified voteBy Pierre-Étienne VandammePages 53 to 84Referendums and popular will: The democratic criticism of referendumsBy Laurence MorelPages 85 to 110Local popular initiative: An account of its first use in FranceBy Raùl Magni-BertonPages 111 to 142The media’s framing of the Greek bailout referendum: A crisis-inducing or a crisis-resolving mechanism?By Dimitra Milioni, Lia-Paschalia Spyridou, Vasiliki TrigaPages 143 to 170A perfect match? Referendums and consensus democracy in EuropeBy Stefan VospernikVariaPages 173 to 198Territorial dialog at the expense of ecology? The impacts of a deliberation between water management and ecological restorationBy Julie RiegelClose readingPages 201 to 216Social movements, progressive governments, and the relationship to the economy in post-neoliberal Argentina (2000-2017)By Arnaud Trenta