Being represented No 30, 2021/2 - 276 pagesPages 7 to 38Being represented. The relationship of representation from the perspective of citizensBy Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Julien TalpinPages 39 to 63A representation deficit? Sense of representation and electoral participation in a former communist municipalityBy Samir Hadj BelgacemPages 65 to 96Must minorities be represented by minorities? A color line in the ordinary representations of representation in FranceBy Camille HamidiPages 97 to 128Class distance, ethnic distance? The reception of claims to political representation in Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni (French Guiana)By Stéphanie GuyonPages 129 to 156In sight, out of mind: Claims to represent the bourgeoisie and their reception in social situationsBy Kevin GeayPages 157 to 186Politics as a remedy? The proximity relations of small traders with elected municipal officialsBy Stéphane CadiouPages 187 to 217Do women voters of Marine Le Pen vote for a woman? The conditions for the reception of a proposal of gendered representationBy Christèle LagierVariaPages 221 to 247“We want to do politics differently”: The production of a personalized political commitment in Parisian associationsBy Mathilde Renault-TinacciPages 249 to 273User integration and extractivism of experiential knowledge: A critical perspective from the ecological model of knowledge in the field of mental healthBy Baptiste Godrie