Issues and challenges in the development of quality collective catering: contributions of the “World Café” method

By Patricia Gontier, Christophe Dansac, Sophie Ruel, Cécile Vachée

The data collected during two Participatory Cafés and their conceptual analysis using the IRaMuTeQ software made it possible to identify, in two areas of the Biolorec study, the obstacles and facilitators to the establishment of a Collective Catering (RC) of quality. Between consensual adherence to a social norm and difficulties of implementation, this study provides a better understanding of the blocking factors at work and the role assigned to public policies in their ability to impact the structure of the agri-food and to change the representations and structures of the preferences of actors in the sector.

  • Participation
  • Public policies
  • Representations
  • Preferences
  • Collective catering
  • Test statistics
  • Biolorec Study
  • France
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