Take climate action, change the metropolis: The Métro group’s strategies for influencing metropolitan policies in Grenoble

By Marine Luce

This article offers an analysis of the change in influence strategies undertaken by the Métro group during the 2020 municipal elections in the Grenoble metropolitan area. Stemming from the Alternatiba movement, the Métro group sought to encourage Grenoble’s elected representatives to commit to implementing climate- friendly policies. The strategies chosen by the activists illustrate a shift in focus, from commune to metropolis, with the latter now likely to be questioned on its political orientation and its actions to tackle the climate issue. This adjustment is made possible by the organizational resources and specific positioning of the climate movement Alternatiba, which tend to facilitate the designation of the metropolis as the appropriate level at which to advocate climate- friendly policies.

  • Agenda setting
  • Metropolitain area
  • Urban movement
  • Political rescaling
  • Ecologist movement
  • Urban transition
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